USS Sellers
Sellers should:
live in Ugborough or any of the neighbouring parishes, or within a 10 mile radius of the village. Other areas may be considered, please contact us at
be a cottage industry, or sell their products at source only
not have a high street premises
display their name and contact information
display a Food Hygiene Certificate if relevant
General information:
USS is not a seller and as such is not responsible for any item sold by any individual seller. Sellers must take every reasonable step to ensure their products are of satisfactory quality
Sellers of food products should hold a Food Hygiene Level 1 Certificate
USS is keen to encourage all local people to become sellers. There is no age restriction although we do ask that children below the age of 16 are given adequate adult supervision
Access to the village hall for USS events is from 8:45am on the morning of Ugborough Sustainable Saturdays. The event runs from 10:00 to 12:00 noon. Assistance to help set up and clear away afterwards is very much appreciated. Sellers should remove unsold items by 12:15 so the hall can be vacated
Sellers can take space as frequently as they like, from every fortnight to just once in a while. An email is sent out on the Sunday preceding the Saturday event, and sellers reply to this to book selling space
The size of the selling space is dependent on the number of sellers, but USS tries to ensure everyone has a good space with enough room to display their goods
USS requests that sellers disclose their takings to the Treasurer in order to determine how much they pay. It is also required to evidence the contribution that USS is making to the local economy. No individual sellers takings will be published or disclosed to any third party individual or organisation.
Charges per USS Morning:
Up to £15 taken - no charge
£15 to £50 - £2.50
£50 to £100 - £4.00
Over £100 - £5.00
USS is a not-for-profit organisation and all charges are kept to a minimum in order to encourage sellers. The charges will be reviewed from time to time and are dependent on village hall hire costs.
If you have any questions please get in touch either by completing the form below or by email to: